Monday, July 03, 2006

The Railway

The West Somerset Railway (apparently known as the Wizzer) runs alongside the small road outside the house - the line is approx 75 feet from our front door and the station is a couple of hundred yards away.

What can I say? It's brilliant ! There are 12 scheduled trains a day at this time of year with 16 a day in high season and it takes me back to my childhood when I was brought up half a mile from a small station South of Leicester. We go out and watch the trains if we hear them - strange comment but we are at the summit of the line so the trains need little energy once they get here and the noise level is low. The drivers wave, the passengers wave, we wave back. One driver made such an exaggerated wave last weekend that Penny felt like the Queen !

If anyone wants to have a good look at the detail of the line then go to Steven Edge's Website which has loadsa pictures, details on the stations, etc., etc. A site dedicated to our station can be found here


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